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Jump Height disparity moving vs. standing still

I am using Direct Control and Mecanim animation without root motion. I've noticed that I am able to jump normally when standing still, however when walking I barely jump at all. The actual physics object is barely moving off of the ground when jumping while walking. Is there a global setting or something obvious I might be missing?

Here is a video capture of the issue ->


  • I can't recreate such behaviour - what are the rest of your Player's Inspector values/components?

    If you're using a Rigidbody + Capsule Collider combination, is there any difference if you replace both with a single Character Controller?

    If you can PM me a .unitypackage of the Player prefab, animation/model assets, and your game's Managers, I'll take a look.

  • Thank you for pointing me down an optional path. I will check the Character Controller alternative and let you know if I have success.

  • @ChrisIceBox Thank you for your guidance. The Character Controller component was the answer. Jumping works beautifully in any state now.

  • There has been a consistent issue I'm seeing now when using the SamplePlayerFP player prefab. When I set the player prefab's Jump Speed to something lower, say a value of 2 or 3 to simulate a very short jump, the prefab no longer physically jumps. I can hear the jumping audio clip playing, but no jump happens. Setting the Jump Speed to anything above 5 always reliably jumps. I'm not using any animation or root motion. The player prefab's Ground Check layer is set to match the ground collision layer in the scene. The Player prefab is set to Ignore Raycast layer.

    I did a bit of diligence and think I may have uncovered the issue, but I'd need to ask a question. If the Character Controller is standing on the ground without motion, is gravity pushing down on it towards the ground or is gravity only being simulated while airborne? I ask this because setting the Min Move Distance on the Character Controller completely resolves the issue. I can reliably jump with any Jump Speed or Simulated Mass setting after making this change.

  • Gravity is not applied when a character is grounded - though the conditions for being "grounded" is based on the character's components/settings.

    When a character features a Character Controller, its isGrounded property is referred to.

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