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endCutscene button causes Menu to never turn off when scene switches



  • @ChrisIceBox Ah snap sorry -- I spoke too soon, I just re-tried the lamp issue -- the unity editor play version is fine, but it looks like it is failing on the build strangely.

  • It looks like it skips from 1 to 3 in the build version when pressing "c" -- since the first bulb is repaired, then the third (middle) one gets repaired.

  • Did you add the code snippet outside of the #if UNITY_EDITOR directive?

  • Ah no it's within it (right before the #endif) -- it's at the end though after all the other functions.

  • You'll need to move it out of there for it to be recognised in builds. Put it right at the very bottom, after the #endif.

  • Noted, shall try this after work, thank you so much!

  • edited May 2

    Might you happen to know why the Wait until Finish was causing the repeat, out of curiosity?

    I believe the cause of this was down to to the fact that the start of the sequence is skippable, but the "AmeliaFades" cutscene - which is a part of it - is not.

    When AC "skips" a cutscene, it actually re-runs the sequence from the beginning - but does so instantly. This is because the effects of certain Actions aren't always in their "final" state once the Action itself has completed - for example, a character movement command with Wait until finish? unchecked. Re-running all Actions instantly - in order - is the most reliable way to ensure they all end up in their intended final state - and done so in the correct order.

    In the case of the ghost cutscene, the first couple of Cutscenes are skippable, but then "AmeliaFades" is not. This became an issue because the skippable cutscenes had Wait until finish? checked - meaning AC still considered those cutscenes to still be running - and hence the game is currently in a skippable state, despite the un-skippable AmeliaFades being the only one effectively running. When skipped at this point, AmeliaFades re-runs normally from the beginning.

  • Ah I see! This is good to know for the future, thanks! :)

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