Adventure Creator  1.81.2
An adventure game toolkit for Unity, by Chris Burton, ICEBOX Studios 2013-2024
AC.MenuSavesList Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for AC.MenuSavesList:
AC.MenuElement AC.ITranslatable

Public Member Functions

override void Declare ()
override MenuElement DuplicateSelf (bool fromEditor, bool ignoreUnityUI)
 Creates and returns a new MenuElement that has the same values as itself. More...
override void LoadUnityUI (AC.Menu _menu, Canvas canvas, bool addEventListeners=true)
 Initialises the linked Unity UI GameObject. More...
override GameObject GetObjectToSelect (int slotIndex=0)
 Gets the linked Unity UI GameObject associated with this element. More...
override RectTransform GetRectTransform (int _slot)
 Gets the boundary of the element, or a slot within it. More...
override void SetUIInteractableState (bool state)
 Sets the interactive state of any linked Unity UI gameobjects. More...
override void ShowGUI (Menu menu, System.Action< ActionListAsset > showALAEditor)
override int GetVariableReferences (int _varID)
 Gets the number of references the MenuElement makes to a global variable More...
override int UpdateVariableReferences (int oldVarID, int newVarID)
 Updates references the MenuElement makes to a global variable More...
override bool ReferencesAsset (ActionListAsset actionListAsset)
 Checks if the Menu makes reference to a particular ActionList asset More...
override bool ReferencesObjectOrID (GameObject gameObject, int id)
 Checks if the Element makes reference to a particular GameObject More...
override int GetSlotIndex (GameObject gameObject)
 Gets the slot index that reference a particular GameObject More...
SaveFile GetSaveFile (int _slot)
 Gets the SaveFile associated with a given slot More...
override string GetLabel (int _slot, int languageNumber)
 Gets the display text of the element, or a slot within it. More...
override bool IsSelectedByEventSystem (int slotIndex)
 Checks if the element is selected by Unity UI's EventSystem (if the Menu is Unity UI-based). More...
override bool IsSelectableInteractable (int slotIndex)
 Checks if the element's linked Selectable is currently Interactable (if the Menu is Unity UI-based). More...
override void HideAllUISlots ()
override void PreDisplay (int _slot, int languageNumber, bool isActive)
 Performs all calculations necessary to display the element. More...
override void Display (GUIStyle _style, int _slot, float zoom, bool isActive)
 Draws the element using OnGUI. More...
override bool ProcessClick (AC.Menu _menu, int _slot, MouseState _mouseState)
 Performs what should happen when the element is clicked on. More...
override void RecalculateSize (MenuSource source)
 Recalculates the element's size. This should be called whenever a Menu's shape is changed. More...
override bool CanBeShifted (AC_ShiftInventory shiftType)
 Checks if the element's slots can be shifted in a particular direction. More...
override void Shift (AC_ShiftInventory shiftType, int amount)
 Shifts which slots are on display, if the number of slots the element has exceeds the number of slots it can show at once. More...
string GetTranslatableString (int index)
 Gets the text to be translated, given its index. More...
int GetTranslationID (int index)
 Gets the translation ID of a given text index. More...
AC_TextType GetTranslationType (int index)
 Gets the translation type of a given text index. More...
void UpdateTranslatableString (int index, string updatedText)
int GetNumTranslatables ()
 Gets the maximum number of possible translatable texts. More...
bool HasExistingTranslation (int index)
 Checks if a given text index has already been assigned a unique translation ID. More...
void SetTranslationID (int index, int _lineID)
 Sets the translation ID of a given text index More...
string GetOwner (int index)
 Gets the name of the translatable text's owner. In the case of speech text, it is the name of the character. In the case of menu element text, it is the name of the menu element. More...
bool OwnerIsPlayer (int index)
 Checks if the translatable text's owner is a Player. This is necessary for speech lines, since multiple player prefabs can feasibly share the same line. More...
bool CanTranslate (int index)
 Checks if a given text index can and should be translated. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from AC.MenuElement
virtual void Copy (MenuElement _element)
 Copies the values of another MenuElement onto itself. More...
virtual void Initialise (AC.Menu _menu)
 Performs any initialisation that can only be done once the element has been instantiated at runtime. More...
virtual bool ProcessContinuousClick (AC.Menu _menu, MouseState _mouseState)
 Performs what should happen when the element is clicked on continuously. More...
virtual void SetSpeech (Speech _speech)
 Assigns the element to a specific Speech line. More...
virtual void ClearSpeech ()
void UpdateID (int[] idArray)
 Updates the ID number to something unique. More...
virtual void OverrideLabel (string newLabel, int _lineID=-1)
void UpdateLabel (int languageNumber)
void ShowGUIStart (Menu menu, System.Action< ActionListAsset > showALAEditor)
virtual bool CheckConvertGlobalVariableToLocal (int oldGlobalID, int newLocalID)
 Checks if the Element makes references from a given global variable to a given local variable More...
virtual string GetHotspotLabelOverride (int _slot, int _language)
 Gets a string that overrides the default 'hotspot label'. More...
virtual void DrawOutline (bool isSelected, AC.Menu _menu)
 Draws an outline around the element. More...
Vector2[] GetSlotCentres (AC.Menu _menu)
 Gets the element's slot centres, as an array of Vector2s. This is used when keyboard-navigating menus More...
Vector2 GetSize ()
 Gets the size of the whole element. More...
Vector2 GetSizeFromCorner ()
 Gets the Vector2 from the top-left corner of the parent Menu to the bottom-right corner of the element. More...
void SetSize (Vector2 _size)
 Sets the size of an individual slot. More...
int GetNumSlots ()
 Gets the number of display slots the element has. This is not the maximum number of slots that can be shown by shifting - it is the number of slots that are shown at any one time. More...
Rect GetSlotRectRelative (int _slot)
 Gets the boundary of a slot, as a proportion of the screen size. More...
int GetFontSize ()
 Gets the size of the font. More...
void SetPosition (Vector2 _position)
 Sets the element's position. More...
void SetRelativePosition (Vector2 _size)
void ResetDragOffset ()
void SetDragOffset (Vector2 pos, Rect dragRect)
 Offsets an OnGUI MenuElement's position when dragged by a MenuDrag element. More...
Vector2 GetDragStart ()
 Gets the drag offset. More...
void AutoSetVisibility ()
virtual AudioClip GetHoverSound (int slot)
 Gets the hover sound for the element slot. More...
int GetOffset ()
 Gets the amount by which the slots have been offset, if the number that can be shown exceeds the number that can be display at once. More...
void SetOffset (int value)
 Sets the amount by which the slots have been offset, if the number that can be shown exceeds the number that can be display at once. More...
virtual void OnMenuTurnOn (Menu menu)
 Called whenever the Menu this is attached to is turned on. More...
virtual bool SupportsRightClicks ()
string GetVisibilitySaveData ()
override string ToString ()

Public Attributes

UISlot[] uiSlots
TextEffects textEffects
float outlineSize = 2f
Color effectColour =
TextAnchor anchor
AC_SaveListType saveListType
int maxSlots = 5
ActionListAsset actionListOnSave
SaveDisplayType displayType = SaveDisplayType.LabelOnly
Texture2D blankSlotTexture
string importProductName
string importSaveFilename
bool checkImportBool
int checkImportVar
bool allowEmptySlots
bool fixedOption
int optionToShow
int parameterID = -1
string newSaveText = "New save"
string emptySlotText = ""
int emptySlotTextLineID = -1
bool showNewSaveOption = true
bool hideIfNotValid = false
bool autoHandle = true
UIHideStyle uiHideStyle = UIHideStyle.DisableObject
LinkUIGraphic linkUIGraphic = LinkUIGraphic.ImageComponent
- Public Attributes inherited from AC.MenuElement
int ID
string title = "Element"
Vector2 slotSize
AC_SizeType sizeType
AC_PositionType2 positionType
float slotSpacing = 0f
int lineID = -1
string alternativeInputButton = ""
Font font
float fontScaleFactor = 60f
Color fontColor = Color.white
Color fontHighlightColor = Color.white
bool isClickable
ElementOrientation orientation = ElementOrientation.Vertical
int gridWidth = 3
Texture2D backgroundTexture
bool singleSlotBackgrounds = false
Texture2D highlightTexture
AudioClip hoverSound
AudioClip clickSound
bool changeCursor = false
int cursorID = 0
int linkedUiID
float maxAutoWidthFactor = 0.5f

Protected Member Functions

override void ShowTextGUI (string apiPrefix)
override void ShowTextureGUI (string apiPrefix)
override void AutoSize ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from AC.MenuElement
void CreateUIEvent (UnityEngine.UI.Button uiButton, AC.Menu _menu, UIPointerState uiPointerState=UIPointerState.PointerClick, int _slotIndex=0, bool liveState=true)
void CreateHoverSoundHandler (Selectable selectable, AC.Menu _menu, int _slotIndex=0)
virtual void ProcessClickUI (AC.Menu _menu, int _slot, MouseState _mouseState)
virtual string GetLabelToTranslate ()
void ClearCache ()
string TranslateLabel (int languageNumber)
void EndGUI (string apiPrefix)
void ShowClipHelp ()
LinkedUiGUI< T > (T field, string label, Menu menu, string tooltip="")
UISlot[] ResizeUISlots (UISlot[] uiSlots, int maxSlots)
void ChangeCursorGUI (Menu menu)
void LimitUISlotVisibility (UISlot[] uiSlots, int _numSlots, UIHideStyle uiHideStyle, Texture emptyTexture=null)
void LimitUISlotVisibility (UISlot[] uiSlots, int _numSlots, UISelectableHideStyle uiHideStyle)
Rect ZoomRect (Rect rect, float zoom)
void LimitOffset ()
void Shift (AC_ShiftInventory shiftType, int maxSlots, int arraySize, int amount, bool canBeLooped=false)
void SetAbsoluteSize (Vector2 _size)
void AutoSize (GUIContent content)
void LinkUIElement< T > (Canvas canvas, ref T existingField)
void UpdateUISelectable< T > (T field, UISelectableHideStyle uiSelectableHideStyle)
void UpdateUIElement< T > (T field)
void ClearSpriteCache (UISlot[] uiSlots)
void SetUISlotsInteractableState (UISlot[] uiSlots, bool state)

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from AC.MenuElement
bool isVisible = true
int offset = 0
Menu parentMenu
Rect relativeRect
Vector2 relativePosition
int numSlots
- Properties inherited from AC.MenuElement
virtual bool IsVisible [get, set]
virtual int MaxSlotsForOffset [get]
Menu ParentMenu [get]

Detailed Description

This MenuElement lists any save game files found on by SaveSystem. Clicking on slots can load or save the relevant file, and importing variables from another game is also possible.

Member Function Documentation

◆ CanBeShifted()

override bool AC.MenuSavesList.CanBeShifted ( AC_ShiftInventory  shiftType)

Checks if the element's slots can be shifted in a particular direction.

shiftTypeThe direction to shift slots in (Left, Right)
True if the element's slots can be shifted in the particular direction

Reimplemented from AC.MenuElement.

◆ CanTranslate()

bool AC.MenuSavesList.CanTranslate ( int  index)

Checks if a given text index can and should be translated.

indexThe index of the translatable text
True if the text can and should be translated

Implements AC.ITranslatable.

◆ Declare()

override void AC.MenuSavesList.Declare ( )

Initialises the MenuElement when it is created within MenuManager.

Reimplemented from AC.MenuElement.

◆ Display()

override void AC.MenuSavesList.Display ( GUIStyle  _style,
int  _slot,
float  zoom,
bool  isActive 

Draws the element using OnGUI.

_styleThe GUIStyle to draw with
_slotThe index number of the slot to display
zoomThe zoom factor
isActiveIf True, then the element will be drawn as though highlighted

Reimplemented from AC.MenuElement.

◆ DuplicateSelf()

override MenuElement AC.MenuSavesList.DuplicateSelf ( bool  fromEditor,
bool  ignoreUnityUI 

Creates and returns a new MenuElement that has the same values as itself.

fromEditorIf True, the duplication was done within the Menu Manager and not as part of the gameplay initialisation.
ignoreUnityUIIf True, variables associated with Unity UI will not be transferred
A new MenuElement with the same values as itself

Reimplemented from AC.MenuElement.

◆ GetLabel()

override string AC.MenuSavesList.GetLabel ( int  slot,
int  languageNumber 

Gets the display text of the element, or a slot within it.

slotThe index number of the slot to get text for
languageNumberThe index number of the language number to get the text in
The display text of the element's slot, or the whole element if it only has one slot

Reimplemented from AC.MenuElement.

◆ GetNumTranslatables()

int AC.MenuSavesList.GetNumTranslatables ( )

Gets the maximum number of possible translatable texts.

The maximum number of possible translatable texts.

Implements AC.ITranslatable.

◆ GetObjectToSelect()

override GameObject AC.MenuSavesList.GetObjectToSelect ( int  slotIndex = 0)

Gets the linked Unity UI GameObject associated with this element.

slotIndexThe slot index, if the element has multiple slots
The Unity UI GameObject associated with the element

Reimplemented from AC.MenuElement.

◆ GetOwner()

string AC.MenuSavesList.GetOwner ( int  index)

Gets the name of the translatable text's owner. In the case of speech text, it is the name of the character. In the case of menu element text, it is the name of the menu element.

indexThe index of the translatable text
The name of the translatable text's owner.

Implements AC.ITranslatable.

◆ GetRectTransform()

override RectTransform AC.MenuSavesList.GetRectTransform ( int  _slot)

Gets the boundary of the element, or a slot within it.

_slotThe index number of the slot to get the boundary of
The boundary Rect of the slot. If the element doesn't have multiple slots, the boundary of the whole element will be returned.

Reimplemented from AC.MenuElement.

◆ GetSaveFile()

SaveFile AC.MenuSavesList.GetSaveFile ( int  _slot)

Gets the SaveFile associated with a given slot

_slotThe index of the slot
The SaveFile associated with the slot

◆ GetSlotIndex()

override int AC.MenuSavesList.GetSlotIndex ( GameObject  gameObject)

Gets the slot index that reference a particular GameObject

gameObjectThe GameObject to check for
The slot index that references the GameObject

Reimplemented from AC.MenuElement.

◆ GetTranslatableString()

string AC.MenuSavesList.GetTranslatableString ( int  index)

Gets the text to be translated, given its index.

indexThe index of the translatable text
The text to be translated

Implements AC.ITranslatable.

◆ GetTranslationID()

int AC.MenuSavesList.GetTranslationID ( int  index)

Gets the translation ID of a given text index.

indexThe index of the translatable text
The translation ID of the text

Implements AC.ITranslatable.

◆ GetTranslationType()

AC_TextType AC.MenuSavesList.GetTranslationType ( int  index)

Gets the translation type of a given text index.

indexThe index of the translatable text
The translation type of a given text index.

Implements AC.ITranslatable.

◆ GetVariableReferences()

override int AC.MenuSavesList.GetVariableReferences ( int  varID)

Gets the number of references the MenuElement makes to a global variable

varIDThe global variable's ID number
The number of references the MenuElement makes to the variable

Reimplemented from AC.MenuElement.

◆ HasExistingTranslation()

bool AC.MenuSavesList.HasExistingTranslation ( int  index)

Checks if a given text index has already been assigned a unique translation ID.

indexThe index of the translatable text
True if the text has been assigned a unique translation ID

Implements AC.ITranslatable.

◆ HideAllUISlots()

override void AC.MenuSavesList.HideAllUISlots ( )

Hides all linked Unity UI GameObjects associated with the element.

Reimplemented from AC.MenuElement.

◆ IsSelectableInteractable()

override bool AC.MenuSavesList.IsSelectableInteractable ( int  slotIndex)

Checks if the element's linked Selectable is currently Interactable (if the Menu is Unity UI-based).

slotIndexThe element's slot index, if it has multiple slots
True if the element's linked Selectable is currently Interactable

Reimplemented from AC.MenuElement.

◆ IsSelectedByEventSystem()

override bool AC.MenuSavesList.IsSelectedByEventSystem ( int  slotIndex)

Checks if the element is selected by Unity UI's EventSystem (if the Menu is Unity UI-based).

slotIndexThe element's slot index, if it has multiple slots
True if the element is selected by Unity UI's EventSystem.

Reimplemented from AC.MenuElement.

◆ LoadUnityUI()

override void AC.MenuSavesList.LoadUnityUI ( AC.Menu  _menu,
Canvas  canvas,
bool  addEventListeners = true 

Initialises the linked Unity UI GameObject.

_menuThe element's parent Menu
canvasThe runtime Canvas associated with the Menu
addEventListenersIf True, then event listeners should be added to the UI's Interactive component(s)

Reimplemented from AC.MenuElement.

◆ OwnerIsPlayer()

bool AC.MenuSavesList.OwnerIsPlayer ( int  index)

Checks if the translatable text's owner is a Player. This is necessary for speech lines, since multiple player prefabs can feasibly share the same line.

indexThe index of the translatable text
True if the translatable text's owner is a Player.

Implements AC.ITranslatable.

◆ PreDisplay()

override void AC.MenuSavesList.PreDisplay ( int  _slot,
int  languageNumber,
bool  isActive 

Performs all calculations necessary to display the element.

_slotThe index number of the slot to display
languageNumberThe index number of the language to display text in
isActiveIf True, then the element will be drawn as though highlighted

Reimplemented from AC.MenuElement.

◆ ProcessClick()

override bool AC.MenuSavesList.ProcessClick ( AC.Menu  _menu,
int  _slot,
MouseState  _mouseState 

Performs what should happen when the element is clicked on.

_menuThe element's parent Menu
_slotThe index number of the slot that was clicked on
_mouseStateThe state of the mouse button
True if the click had an effect, and so should be consumed

Reimplemented from AC.MenuElement.

◆ RecalculateSize()

override void AC.MenuSavesList.RecalculateSize ( MenuSource  source)

Recalculates the element's size. This should be called whenever a Menu's shape is changed.

sourceHow the parent Menu is displayed (AdventureCreator, UnityUiPrefab, UnityUiInScene)

Reimplemented from AC.MenuElement.

◆ ReferencesAsset()

override bool AC.MenuSavesList.ReferencesAsset ( ActionListAsset  actionListAsset)

Checks if the Menu makes reference to a particular ActionList asset

actionListAssetThe ActionList to check for
True if the Menu references the ActionList

Reimplemented from AC.MenuElement.

◆ ReferencesObjectOrID()

override bool AC.MenuSavesList.ReferencesObjectOrID ( GameObject  gameObject,
int  id 

Checks if the Element makes reference to a particular GameObject

gameObjectThe GameObject to check for
idThe GameObject's associated ConstantID value
True if the Element references the GameObject

Reimplemented from AC.MenuElement.

◆ SetTranslationID()

void AC.MenuSavesList.SetTranslationID ( int  index,
int  lineID 

Sets the translation ID of a given text index

indexThe index of the translatable text
lineIDThe new translation ID to assign the translatable text

Implements AC.ITranslatable.

◆ SetUIInteractableState()

override void AC.MenuSavesList.SetUIInteractableState ( bool  state)

Sets the interactive state of any linked Unity UI gameobjects.

stateIf True, linked UI gameobjects will be made interactive. If False, they will be made non-interactive

Reimplemented from AC.MenuElement.

◆ Shift()

override void AC.MenuSavesList.Shift ( AC_ShiftInventory  shiftType,
int  amount 

Shifts which slots are on display, if the number of slots the element has exceeds the number of slots it can show at once.

shiftTypeThe direction to shift slots in (Left, Right)
amountThe amount to shift slots by

Reimplemented from AC.MenuElement.

◆ UpdateVariableReferences()

override int AC.MenuSavesList.UpdateVariableReferences ( int  oldVarID,
int  newVarID 

Updates references the MenuElement makes to a global variable

varIDThe global variable's original ID number
varIDThe global variable's new ID number
The number of references the MenuElement makes to the variable

Reimplemented from AC.MenuElement.

Member Data Documentation

◆ actionListOnSave

ActionListAsset AC.MenuSavesList.actionListOnSave

An ActionListAsset that can run once a game is succesfully loaded/saved/imported

◆ allowEmptySlots

bool AC.MenuSavesList.allowEmptySlots

If True, then all slots will be shown even if they are not already assigned a save file.

◆ anchor

TextAnchor AC.MenuSavesList.anchor

The text alignment

◆ autoHandle

bool AC.MenuSavesList.autoHandle = true

If True, then the save file will be loaded/saved once its slot is clicked on

◆ blankSlotTexture

Texture2D AC.MenuSavesList.blankSlotTexture

The default graphic to use if slots display save screenshots

◆ checkImportBool

bool AC.MenuSavesList.checkImportBool

If True, and saveListType = AC_SaveListType.Import, then a specific Boolean global variable must = True for an import file to be listed

◆ checkImportVar

int AC.MenuSavesList.checkImportVar

If checkImportBool = True, the ID number of the Boolean global variable that must = True, for an import file to be listed

◆ displayType

SaveDisplayType AC.MenuSavesList.displayType = SaveDisplayType.LabelOnly

How save files are displayed (LabelOnly, ScreenshotOnly, LabelAndScreenshot)

◆ effectColour

Color AC.MenuSavesList.effectColour =

The outline colour

◆ emptySlotText

string AC.MenuSavesList.emptySlotText = ""

The display text when a slot represents an empty save space

◆ emptySlotTextLineID

int AC.MenuSavesList.emptySlotTextLineID = -1

The translation ID associated with the emptySlotText

◆ fixedOption

bool AC.MenuSavesList.fixedOption

If True, then only one save slot will be shown

◆ hideIfNotValid

bool AC.MenuSavesList.hideIfNotValid = false

If True, and saveListType = AC_SaveListType.Load and fixedOption = True, then the element will be hidden if the slot ID it represents is not filled with a valid save

◆ importProductName

string AC.MenuSavesList.importProductName

The name of the project to import files from, if saveListType = AC_SaveListType.Import

◆ importSaveFilename

string AC.MenuSavesList.importSaveFilename

The filename syntax of import files, if saveListType = AC_SaveListType.Import

◆ linkUIGraphic

LinkUIGraphic AC.MenuSavesList.linkUIGraphic = LinkUIGraphic.ImageComponent

What Image component the Element's Graphics should be linked to (ImageComponent, ButtonTargetGraphic)

◆ maxSlots

int AC.MenuSavesList.maxSlots = 5

The maximum number of slots that can be displayed at once

◆ newSaveText

string AC.MenuSavesList.newSaveText = "New save"

The display text when a slot represents a "new save" space

◆ optionToShow

int AC.MenuSavesList.optionToShow

The index number of the save slot to show, if fixedOption = true

◆ outlineSize

float AC.MenuSavesList.outlineSize = 2f

The outline thickness, if textEffects != TextEffects.None

◆ parameterID

int AC.MenuSavesList.parameterID = -1

If >=0, The ID number of the integer ActionParameter in actionListOnSave to set to the index number of the slot clicked

◆ saveListType

AC_SaveListType AC.MenuSavesList.saveListType

How this list behaves (Load, Save, Import)

◆ showNewSaveOption

bool AC.MenuSavesList.showNewSaveOption = true

If True, a slot that represents a "new save" space can be displayed if appropriate

◆ textEffects

TextEffects AC.MenuSavesList.textEffects

The special FX applied to the text (None, Outline, Shadow, OutlineAndShadow)

◆ uiHideStyle

UIHideStyle AC.MenuSavesList.uiHideStyle = UIHideStyle.DisableObject

The method by which this element (or slots within it) are hidden from view when made invisible (DisableObject, ClearContent)

◆ uiSlots

UISlot [] AC.MenuSavesList.uiSlots

A List of UISlot classes that reference the linked Unity UI GameObjects (Unity UI Menus only)