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AC and Yarn integration

Hi there!
Firstly, I think it's great that the Adventure Creator exists and that I also still have the opportunity do create some personalized things.

So I found your link and explanation about integrating Yarn into Unity in another thread but didn't wanna interrupt you guys with my question. I simply wondered if I have to give Category / Title and Description a different name as i get the error message "no suitable method found to Assembly-CSharp override'. The Action-Script also isn't found in the folder when I try to save it as a new Action / Category..
Thanks in advance!


  • Welcome to the community, @anyleiin.

    The error message will be preventing it from showing up in the Actions Manager - once removed, it should show.

    The Action's category etc won't affect installation, but it's filename will. Have you named it ActionYarn.cs?

    Here's a link with a screenshot for maybe better understanding. Class and script name are identical ^^'

  • Hi again! Sorry, everything was right but apparently some parts of AC vanished out of the project. So of course it wouldn't work. The error messages disappeared

  • The issue is that you're using too old a release - you must be using the latest AC version for the custom Action to work.

    AC - along with any other Editor asset - will be hidden from view if Unity is opened with a compilation error. Remove the script to bring things back, upgrade AC to the latest package on the store, and then add the script back again. Just be sure to back up your project first!

  • edited March 2021

    It worked! thanks a bunch!

    EDIT: Okay, it didn't work after all, it doesn't find an action in the folder with the script

  • To install a custom Action, you need to point your Actions Manager to the folder with the script - see the end of the tutorial here.

    I know, i did it and I tried it, see enclosed. It should show at the 'Category: Custom', right? the script has no errors but is not found

  • It should appear in the "Dialogue" Category. "Custom" is provided available for cases where a custom Action's category doesn't fit the pre-defined ones.

  • Oh. wow. I'm facepalming so hard right now.
    Thanks a bunch for your amazing patience! :sweat_smile:

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