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New Input System and Action List Inputs issue

Sorry for my English.

Can u please tell me, How exactly the input actions work with the New input system? Because the assigned buttons work with ACs UI, but don't work with Action Lists Inputs.

Thx alot


  • Welcome to the community, @Seiferrr.

    An integration script for Unity's new Input System can be found on the AC wiki here:

    Since this system requires inputs be hard-coded into script, you'll have to extend this script with your own custom inputs used for Active Inputs. This would typically be a case of adding a new InputAction variable, and checking for it in the GetInputAction function.

    For example, if the Active Input's "Input button" is set to "MyInput1", add this to the list of variables at the top:

    [SerializeField] InputAction activeInput1Action = null;

    And then adding an additional case to GetInputAction:

    case "MyInput1":
        return activeInput1Action;
  • Thx Chris.

    Following your instructions, I have made the buttons work with Action Lists Inputs. But I still can't regulate their interactions.

    In other words, I could not make input work when the button is released and not when pressed. For some reason, it still doesn't work/

    I will be grateful for your help.

  • edited September 2022

    Have you set the Active Input's "Responds to" field to "On Button Up"? Does this setting cause it to fire when the button is pressed - or is that only when it's set to "On Button Down"?

  • Apologies - I linked to the wiki script, but actually there now exists an integration package over on the Downloads page.

    In the prefab this package provides, the bottom of the Inspector can be used to add the names of any custom inputs required.

  • Everything is working now. Thanks

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