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Inventory Item Dragging on Mobile (Touch-Screen Input)

I have a working Inventory made like this, to be used on mobile.
It works perfectly, but to use an inventory item in my scene, I have to touch the inventory item I want to use (then the item "pops up")  and then the hotspot I want to use it on, while I would like to be able to drag the item around from the first touch.
I noticed that when enabled, my inventory slots have the UI Slot Click script. 
Is it something I have to change there, or is there an Inventory/Touch setting that I am missing?
Thank you


  • I take it you've checked "Drag-drop inventory?" in the Settings Manager.  Does it work if you run it in the Editor?

    The UI Slot Click script is set up automatically for you - you shouldn't have to do anything.
  • I tried to check the "Drag-drop inventory?" in the Settings Manager.
    It doesn't work when run in the Editor, neither when the app is built and tested on the iPad.
    When I click/touch on the inventory item nothing happens, if I release the mouse/finger over the item I can see the dragged item appear for an instant. If dragged around nothing happens. 
    Input method: Touch Screen
    Interaction method: Context Sensitive
    Inventory settings: everything unchecked
    Touch screen settings: everything unchecked

  • Temporarily, change your Input method to Mouse And Keyboard, make sure drag-drop is enabled, and see if it then works - we need to determine if this is down to a problem with the inventory, or touch-screen.
  • I tried that but it doesn't work neither in the editor nor built on iPad.
    How can I help you to debug? Do you need my Inventory prefab? I just modified your Inventory, setting the appear type as manual. It fades in/out when pressing a button on the screen.  
  • If that's all you've done, there really shouldn't be any problem.  So long as you don't have interactions defined on your Inventory items that might override the effect, drag-and-drop works on my end just fine.

    Probably best you PM me your Managers - best do all of them just to be thorough.
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