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Multiple issues

edited January 2017 in Technical Q&A
Hi all,

We recently started to develop a room escape game and we experienced some issues.

Can you help with the following ones?
  1. When we display a text using the Dialogue Play speech action, the text is displayed strangely sometimes, because the text is cut horizontally and only a slice of it is shown.
  2. Movable objects which has an Interaction on move action list attached and the Icon at contact point? is set the cursor disappears and only reappears when the movable object stopped moving.
  3. We have a some corpse drawers in the scene and there are doors on the drawers and tables inside them. One of these drawers' door and table are Movable.
    When we open the door and pull out the table than we can shut the door onto the table, because somehow they doesn't collide properly.
  4. We applied a Draggable object on a door and now the openable door has a darker tone, so the openable and the non-openable door doesn't looks exactly the same.
  5. The Highlight script is not working on 2D objects (sprites).
  6. Collide sounds are not working on Draggable objects. They just not played at all. (Move sounds are working fine.)
  7. Some 2D object (sprite) has a thin horizontal line displayed on top of them like it is in the image, but it's not.
We also experience some performance issues with the WebGL and Android builds. Our main target is WebGL.
  • When the Camera Switch action is used with the Smooth Move method an the Transition time is set to 1 then the transition is really lagging.
We experience the above issues under the following versions under 64bit Windows 10:
  • Unity 5.6.0b4 with Adventure Creator v1.55b
  • Unity 5.5.0 with Adventure Creator v1.55b
  • Unity 5.5.0 with Adventure Creator v1.51f
Thank you for all of your assistance in advance!

Feel free to let me know if you need any further info, screenshot and or video about the mentioned issues we experience!


  • Welcome to the forum, @kireerik.  In future, please try to post separate issues in separate threads.  I appreciate this may take more effort, but some issues require more discussion than others.

    The current recommended target is Unity 5.5 with AC v1.55c.

    1. This will be related to your Subtitles Menu in the Menu Manager.  Are you using the default AC Menu, Unity UI Menu, or a custom one?  You can tweak your Subtitle Menu's settings by selecting Subtitles in the Menu Manager.

    2. That's the correct behaviour.  The icon at the point of contact is now used to represent the player's "hand" in 3D space, which is restricted by the movement of the object.

    3. There's not enough detail with this one to provide any help at all, I'm afraid.  Please post in a separate thread with more detail and screenshots.

    4. The Draggable script does not affect an object's material.  There may be something else causing this - please post more details in a separate thread.

    5. The Highlight script, by default, works by brightening a Material's colour.  This doesn't work with Unity's default Sprite shader, but should work on the Sprite Diffuse shader.  Alternatively, you can use a custom script that reads the Highlight component's intended intensity, and apply it to your own material or shader as necessary.

    6. Check that there is a "Sound" component attached to the same object as the Draggable.

    7. What about when this sprite is displayed in a non-AC scene, with no AC components?  This is likely a Unity issue, as AC does no rendering of its own.

    8. Try using an Animation Curve instead with a smooth locus to get the same effect.
  • edited January 2017
    Hi @ChrisIceBox, thank you for your comments. All right.

    I see. I will update to v1.55c soon.
    1. Yes, I am using the default AC Menu. (Source: Adventure Creator, Label type: Dialogue Line)
    2. Really? If I remove the attached Interaction on move action list, then the Icon at contact point is shown properly.
    3. All right. Related thread: Collision issue with Movable objects
    4. All right. Related thread: Draggable object with darker tone
    5. Now I have tried diffuse as well, but it doesn't work either.
    6. Yes it is attached and as I said the Move sounds are working fine, but Collide sounds are not on the same object. Also it is consistently not working. No matter which Draggable object I attach it.
    7. ✔ Yes it is. It was my fault. The texture type was accidentally set to Default and not Sprite.
    8. Now I have tried the linear setting, but in WebGL it is lagging with this setting too. (In the Unity Editor I am not experiencing any performance issues.)
  • 1. I don't understand what you mean by cut horizontally, but you can tweak the appearance of the dialogue in the Menu Manager.  The demo game uses the same Menu, and doesn't exhibit such issues.  If more help is needed, please post in a new thread with some examples of the problem.

    2. I think there was just some confusion.  You mentioned the cursor disappearing - not the contact point icon.  If the icon's disappearing, it's because you're entering a cutscene.  Be sure to set the Interaction that's running to Run In Background - otherwise it will block gameplay whenever it runs.

    5. It does - I've just tried it in the 2D Demo.  You may need to raise the Maximum highlight intensity value though.

    6. Collide sounds occur on the Draggable object itself.  The code to play this is in DragBase.cs' OnCollisionEnter function.  You can add a Debug.Log line in there to test that it's being run correctly, but what are you colliding with exactly?

    8. There's nothing particularly intense going on with that operation.  Try building the 3D Demo to WebGL - the camera switch there shows no such issue for me, how about you?  This may be more of a Unity-side issue, as Unity's WebGL platform is still very young.
  • edited January 2017
    1. All right. Related thread: Text display issue

    2. ✔ Thank you so much! It was set to Pause Gameplay by default.

    5. Now I have tried it in the 2D Demo, and in most of the cases it is working.

    6. A trash can is draggable and it is colliding with the floor or the wall.

    8. Now I have tried and it is working fine I don't experience the same issue with the 3D Demo by default, but if I set the very first camera switch with the same parameters than I can experience the issue.
  • 6. What is its Drag mode, and what of the Debug.Log test?  Once more, please post full details in a new thread.

    8. Which camera switch and which parameters in the 3D Demo, specifically?
  • 6. Drag mode is set to Move Along Plane. I didn't tried the Debug.Log test yet.

    5. With the 2D Demo it works sometimes, but with my set up it doesn't works at all.

    8. _Cutscenes / Intro1 / 4: Camera: Switch
    New Camera: IntroCam4
    Transition time (s): 1
    Move method: Smooth (I think it produces the issue with Linear es well)
  • edited January 2017
    6. Again, full details please.  A screenshot of your environment and the draggable Inspector.

    5. Then the issue is with your setup, not with AC.  I can only suggest that you check your materials and your lighting.

    8. Thank you, but no issues seen.  The issue may be on the Unity side of things, and possibly unique to your system.  Try running it on other machines, and using Unity's Profiler to detect the issue.
  • 6. All right. Related thread: Issue with Collide sounds on Draggable objects

    5. I see. Is it possible to export my project without AC somehow and then import it on top of AC where the mentioned feature is working?

    8. Did you tested with a WebGL build?
    I have a Lenovo U31-70 laptop with the following basic specifications: Intlel i7-5500U CPU, NVIDIA® GeForce® 920M 2GB DDR3, 8GiB RAM, SSD storage
  • 5. I don't understand what you mean, but I don't think so.  You can see if it will work without AC simply by giving a Sprite a Sprites Default material and lighting it with regular Unity lights.

    8. Yes, I did.  The Profiler may shed some light on the answer.
  • 8. An alternative option would be to animate the camera by childing it to an Animator object, and animating the Animator's position. You could then use Object: Animate to move the Animator, and hence the camera.
  • 5. I see. Maybe this issue is more likely related to Hotspots, because if the hotspot has a box collider instead of a 2D box collider than it doesn't works consistently.
    Unfortunately it doesn't works in my set up, I have already tried several different setups.
    By the way is it possible that this is a Unity issue?

    8. I see.
    The profiler usually displays a spike on camera switch. The BehaviourUpdate has ~94% resource usage with ~150ms execution time.
    The alternative option sounds an implementation overhead for me. Maybe it could work, I didn't tried it. Actually I don't know exactly how to set up this alternative correctly.
  • edited January 2017
    Did you actually verify the name of the processes using those resources? As far as I know, BehaviourUpdate just holds all the Update() functions in progress (or generally in charge of updating the event states in all MonoBehaviour scripts, I think). And you did not post a screenshot with it unfolded to show the actual scripts running inside it and its values...
  • 5. This is the first you've said anything of a 2D Box Collider.  If your game is in 3D (see the "Camera perspective" setting in the Settings Manager), you must rely on 3D colliders and physics components - regardless of whether you use sprites or models.  This is because AC relies on 3D Raycasting in 3D games.  Likewise, if your game is in 2D, you must rely on 2D components.

    The Scene Manager should automatically provide you with the correct prefab based on your settings.  If you want to continue discussions on this, please do so by starting a new thread with full details and screenshots showing the issue.  At the moment, there just isn't enough detail to properly advise.

    8. As @Alverik states, we will need to know more about the process involved.  The alternative will work, but you do need to be familiar with Unity's animation system.  I was basically suggesting that you rely on one camera instead, and move it around using animations.  Like my WebGL suggestion, this is of course not ideal - but until we know enough about the issue you're faced with, I'm just trying to offer you workarounds.
  • edited January 2017
    5. Yes it is a 3D game. I see, and I am using 3D colliders.

    8. I see. I understand the concept of the alternative. I am just not fully familiar with Unity's animation system yet. Anyway would the alternative perform significantly faster?

    Thank you for your question @Alverik! Here you can see a screenshot about the profiler:
    Feel free to let me know if you need any further details about this issue!
  • edited February 2017
    8. The alternative would bypass AC's camera-switching code, so if there is an issue with that process in particular, I'm assuming so.

    Is the profiler focused on the spike in the screenshot?  There doesn't seem to be anything related to camera-switching here - only a lot of calls to run ActionLists.  If the spike you're referring to is on the left, please post a screenshot while the white vertical line is over it.
  • 8. I see. I am not sure about that. What do you think? Does AC's camera-switching script doing anything which can be resource intensive, maybe iterating through something?

    By the way, now the game has an intro. The camera is cruising through the place slowly. In the latest builds, I can only experience laggs way less frequently. Basically in the beginning when the game starts and only sometimes one tiny lagg occurs during camera switch during gameplay.

    Yes, the profiler is focused on the spike. It looks confusing because the "profiler cursor" is hiding the spike. However, there is the "151.9ms" label which is the top of the spike.
  • edited February 2017
    Ah, you missed showing the bottom of the hierarchy inside BehaviourUpdate... it gets cuts off too soon. It's like someone showing you half the mystery and coming short to seeing the actual culprit. lol.

    Can you retake the screen shot and make sure you take enough of them to show every nested process? it almost feels like the bottom-most/deepest one will give us the better clue (if you notice they all seem to be nested, and have almost the exact same numbers, so they may all just be reporting the added time of a single process running somewhere in the deepest levels)
  • Like I said before, there is nothing particularly intensive about the camera-switching algorithm.  That the spike is a spike, and not a platform for the duration of the transition, suggests there's something intense only at the beginning.  What happens if you raise the transition time to e.g. 10 seconds?  Does the slowdown occur for the whole switch, or just the very beginning?
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